19.10.2011., srijeda


Irish Hockey T Shirt. T Shirts Chicago. Plain White T Shirt Picture.

Irish Hockey T Shirt

irish hockey t shirt

    t shirt
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • Hockey is an album by John Zorn featuring his early "game piece" composition of the same name. The album, first released on vinyl on Parachute Records in 1980, (tracks 4-9), and later re-released on CD on Tzadik Records with additional bonus tracks as part of the The Parachute Years Box Set in

  • field hockey: a game resembling ice hockey that is played on an open field; two opposing teams use curved sticks try to drive a ball into the opponents' net

  • Hockey refers to a family of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball, or a puck, into the opponent's goal, using a hockey stick.

  • Of or relating to Ireland, its people, or the Goidelic language traditionally and historically spoken there

  • of or relating to or characteristic of Ireland or its people

  • whiskey made in Ireland chiefly from barley

  • people of Ireland or of Irish extraction

Enjoying their first game of Ice Hockey

Enjoying their first game of Ice Hockey

Page #1, Explore

The Netherlands is a small country of 16 million people, but it boasts a quarter of a million competitive speedskaters, and millions more who skate for fun. What's the story? Natural ice in the Netherlands is a rare occurrence. In fact, some winters there's no natural ice at all. Maybe that explains why the Dutch love to skate outdoors. They hardly ever get the chance! But when a cold wave hits, and the interconnected maze of canals, rivers and lakes freeze over, it's a spontaneous celebration, a national holiday. Businesses close their doors and everyone goes skating. According to Richard van Ammerzoden, a skater from Rotterdam, skating in Holland originated as a poor man's sport. Isolated by mud and water in the damp winters, rural farmers prayed for ice. When it came, just like Hans Brinker, they strapped on their wooden skates with leather thongs, and traveled great distances to visit friends and relatives they hadn't seen in months. Then they skated home.
Perhaps that explains the origin of the Elfstedentocht or "Eleven Cities Tour", a 200-kilometer mega-tour in the province of Friesland known as "the mother of all skating tours." In the 1890s, some Frisian farmer with well-developed leg muscles tried to skate through all eleven cities of Friesland in a single day. He succeeded, and the rest is history.

Photo taken in Zuiderwoude at the Kerk Ae nearby Amsterdam. Dutch hockey skaters enjoying the natural ice. Today I took a day off enjoying the natural ice. I did skate a tour from Amsterdam - Ransdorp - Holysloot - Uitdam - Zuiderwoude to Monnickendam and back - about 40km. This photo I took on my way home to Amsterdam. In the distance you can see the smoke of the Power Plant "Hemweg" of Amsterdam.

Zo'n 1000 jaar geleden of eerder begon men te schaatsen . Toen hadden ze nog geen ijzer uit gevonden dus deden ze dat met botten van geslachte of dode dieren. Die maakten ze een beetje scherp, bonden ze met touwen onder hun voeten vast en zo kwamen ze al een beetje vooruit. Toen er ijzer uit werd gevonden waren er al vrij snel ijzeren schaatsen in plaats van schaatsen van botten. Nederland is het enige land waar zoveel mensen schaatsen. De schaats is ook in Nederland uitgevonden. Ook in Noorwegen schaatsen veel mensen maar lang niet zoveel als in Nederland. Er ligt daar meestal te veel sneeuw op het ijs. Als er twee nachten matige vorst is geweest slaat de gekte weer toe. Erwtensoep in de pot, schaatsen uit het vet en tochten maken. Helaas heeft het al jaren niet meer gevroren, weet een hele generatie niet wat natuurijs maar nu lijkt eindelijk de weer een vorst periode aan te breken waar op natuurijs geschaatst kan worden.
Foto genomen in Zuiderwoude op de Kerk Ae. Veel wateren (rivieren, beken, meren) hebben een naam die Aa, Ae, E, Ee, Ie, of IJ in zich hebben. Dit betekende oorspronkelijk gewoon 'water' en heeft zijn oorsprong in het Oudgermaanse aha of ahwo (ook verwant met het Latijnse aqua en tevens terug te vinden in het Deense en Zweedse A.) In het Nederlands is Aa door betekenisverenging meer specifiek een naam voor rivieren en is het weer lokaal verder verbasterd tot Ee, Ie of IJ. Soms is het aan de naam voorafgaande lidwoord de geassimileerd met ie en wordt zo Die. Zoals even verderop hier de Holysloter Die en de Ransdorper Die.

March 17

March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day! As an Irish girl it has always been one of my favorite holidays. I started the day off by meeting my friend Alex for brunch at a bagel and sandwich cafe called Zi Pani. I immediately asked Alex where his green was and he thought I was talking about money. When he realized I meant green clothing he said, "Oh, today is Wednesday." I love Alex. He even paid for my food which was so sweet. It was a nice day so we sat outside and ate, chatting for about an hour before I told him I better start my job hunt. My goal for Spring Break is to apply to places around Frederick where I can work this summer. I went to two golf courses and Ceresville Mansion where a lot of weddings and fancy events are held. Hopefully I will hear back from someone! After putting in all the applications I hung out at the rink with my mom for a bit and when she was done working I drove to the Greene Turtle for dinner. I let her wear my St. Patty's Day Capitals shirt today since she didn't have anything good to wear. We had a nice dinner and afterwards went to my aunt and cousin's house to watch a hockey game. We didn't have the right channel at home so they let us come over and watch on their TV even though they had other things to do.

irish hockey t shirt

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